About NMN (Nicotinamide mononucleotide)
NMN is a naturally occurring molecule that is found in all lifeforms. NMN is present in small quantities in foods, but in such small quantities that it is not possible to get an efficacious quantity from diet alone. Research shows that orally consumed NMN enters the blood stream quickly (in minutes) and is quickly converted to NAD+ in the tissues.
NMN is a naturally occurring molecule that is found in all lifeforms. NMN is present in small quantities in foods, but in such small quantities that it is not possible to get an efficacious quantity from diet alone. Research shows that orally consumed NMN enters the blood stream quickly (...
NMN is a naturally occurring molecule that is found in all lifeforms. NMN is present in small quantities in foods, but in such small quantities that it is not possible to get an efficacious quantity from diet alone. Research shows that orally consumed NMN enters the blood stream quickly (in minutes) and is quickly converted to NAD+ in the tissues.
About NAD+
NMN is a direct precursor of the molecule NAD+, which plays several important roles:
→ Important molecule for many biological processes
NAD+ is a compound used by many proteins in the body. It is the most abundant molecule in the body after water,
but it declines with age naturally. As the body ages, NAD+ levels decline, which in animal and laboratory cell models has been correlated with an array of age related changes.
→ Supports energy production
NAD+ is important for mitochondria, which are the
powerhouses of the cell and generate the chemical energy
that our bodies use.
NAD+ binds to enzymes and transfers electrons between
molecules. In the process NAD+ is involved in the cycles that power your cells via the mitochondria.
→ Supports normal maintenance in cells
Your cells have inbuilt mechanisms to repair the damage
that can happen to cells naturally every day, and these
mechanisms use NAD+. NAD+ supports your body’s inbuilt
DNA repair mechanisms.
NAD+ is not well-absorbed in the body and while NAD+ is present in some foods, the concentrations are very low. Taking certain supplements, such as NMN, is a way to support NAD+ levels.
NMN is a direct precursor of the molecule NAD+, which plays several important roles:
→ Important molecule for many biological processes
NAD+ is a compound used by many proteins in the body. It is the most abundant molecule in the body after water,
but it declines with ...
NMN is a direct precursor of the molecule NAD+, which plays several important roles:
→ Important molecule for many biological processes
NAD+ is a compound used by many proteins in the body. It is the most abundant molecule in the body after water,
but it declines with age naturally. As the body ages, NAD+ levels decline, which in animal and laboratory cell models has been correlated with an array of age related changes.
→ Supports energy production
NAD+ is important for mitochondria, which are the
powerhouses of the cell and generate the chemical energy
that our bodies use.
NAD+ binds to enzymes and transfers electrons between
molecules. In the process NAD+ is involved in the cycles that power your cells via the mitochondria.
→ Supports normal maintenance in cells
Your cells have inbuilt mechanisms to repair the damage
that can happen to cells naturally every day, and these
mechanisms use NAD+. NAD+ supports your body’s inbuilt
DNA repair mechanisms.
NAD+ is not well-absorbed in the body and while NAD+ is present in some foods, the concentrations are very low. Taking certain supplements, such as NMN, is a way to support NAD+ levels.

The Scientist
Dr. Jianjun Yu
With over 10 years’ experience leading research at various institutions, Dr. Yu holds several patents including an NMN preparation method. He is passionate about helping humans age better through the ingredient NMN.
Words from our expert
NAD+ is an energy-providing molecule found in every cell of the body. It is used to metabolize, build new cells, defend against free radicals, and send signals inside the cell. Regular supplementation with NMN supports healthy levels of NAD+”
Dr. Jianjun Yu